It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare.

The GriefShare session has been completed. Check back for new opportunities for GriefShare.

You can register at Northmoreland GriefShare Group. Look forward to seeing you. To learn more about GriefShare, view GriefShare promo.

Note: There is a $20 registration fee that covers the cost of the workbook.

This helpful ministry runs for 13 weeks. The sessions are organized in such a way that anyone can join at any time.

Griefshare is a weekly support group to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one to death, whether recent or years past. We know it hurts, and we want to help. Caring people who have experienced grief lead our groups and want to help you through the difficult days ahead. Our groups use a 13-week video series that features some of the nation’s foremost Christian experts on grief and recovery topics, as seen from a biblical perspective. The videos are combined with support group discussion of the materials presented during the video.