Youth Ministry

The Youth Group meets on Wednesday Evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, beginning September 18.

As the high school ministry of Northmoreland Baptist Church, we teach students that life is about Christ (Philippians 1:21). Our passion is to see students come to salvation in Jesus Christ, conform to Christ, and commit their lives to serving Christ for His glory. This is done through regular Bible teaching and small group discipleship. We strive to walk with young people as they transition to adulthood, embrace Biblical convictions, grow to spiritual maturity, and fellowship with the church family as they understand, apply, and delight in God’s Word. In this way, we see our youth ministry not as separate from but as an extension of the larger ministry at Northmoreland.


NBC Youth Group and friends attend REVERB in Binghamton, NY, each year in November.